Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Held at the Suntec City Convention Centre on April 12 and 13, the fifth Tech in Asia Singapore hosted 200 startups, 4,000 attendees and six conference stages. The stages included the following: the Main Stage, Developer Stage, Investors Stage, AdTech Stage, Product Stage and FinTech Stage. The stages were graced with key industry players such as Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin, Takeshi Idezawa, CEO of Line, and David Yin, Business Development Manager for Google Play Apps and Games.
Some of the highlights include the speech by Khailee Ng, managing partner at 500 Startups. His no holds barred, opinionated speech “Southeast Asia funding in 2016: What founders need to know” discussed the approaching winter and funding slowdown. His take on the funding slowdown? “I don’t give a f*ck”.
Line CEO Takeshi Idezawa gave insights on his messaging app and plans for expanding into markets out of Asia. He revealed his company’s strategies and how Line’s services are adapting to different regions around Asia.
Eduardo Saverin, co-founder of Facebook, discussed what’s on his mind when it comes to investing, and the expansive opportunities in Asia. “Soon a young girl in rural Indonesia will have more information at her fingertips than I had when I started at Harvard,” he mentioned.
Tech in Asia Singapore 2016 also held the Arena Startup Pitch Battle, where six handpicked startups pitched onstage for a chance to win US$10,000. The finalists were Pouch, Z-works, Docquity, Merlin, GliaCloud and BitMex. BitMex, a startup focused on being a platform for anyone to bet on anything anywhere, won the startup pitch and took home the grand prize. Find out more about the competing startups here.
Tech in Asia Singapore 2016 was a hit with many, showcasing the various industries and providing much insight to attendees. If you missed this year’s Tech in Asia Singapore, be sure to catch next year’s.


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